Company Name: TCS
Qualification: B.Com
Experience: 0 - 3 Year
Location: Mumbai
Role: Graduate Freshers
Job Details:
Only Bcom Candidate can apply for the post
60% and above in Class 10th, 12th.
55% and above in First Year Bcom and Second Year B.com,
60% and above in Third year B.com
B.Com Pass out year should be 2010 and above.
All education details should be mentioned on resume with percentage and year passing for 10th 12th FY Bcom, SY Bcom, TY Bcom
All courses to be completed in first attempt, no extended education
Education/career gap of not more than 2 years
Candidates who have applied for the process with in last 6 months are not eligible to apply.
To Apply: Click Here