Name : BEL
Post Name :
1. Asst Manager / Dy Manager (Finance): 01 Post
2. Dy Manager / Manager (HR): 01 Post
3. Engineer (D&E): 03 Posts
4. Technical Asst: 07 Posts
5. Operator (Welder): 02 Posts
6. Operator (Electroplater): 02 Posts
7. Operator (Fitter): 02 Posts
8. Operator (Electronics Mechanic): 06 Posts
Number Of Posts :24
Qualification :Candidates should possess Graduation degree from a recognized Indian University with CA/ICWA (Final) for post 1, First Class Graduation degree with MSW/MBA/PG Diploma (two years full time) with specialization in HRM / Personnel Management and Industrial Relations for post 2, ME/M Tech/M Sc (Engg) in Material Science /Metallurgy and First Class Graduate degree in Electronics / E&TC for post 3, Diploma in relevant discipline in Engg and B Sc (Chemistry) for post 4, ITI + NCTVT for posts 5 to 8.
Age Limit :Candidates upper age limit should be 30 years for Asst Manager, 35 years for Dy Manager, 40 years for Manager, 26, 24 years for Engineer, 22 years for Technical Asst and 20 years for Operator as on 31-12-2013. Relaxation for OBC/ SC/ ST/ PWD candidates will be as per Govt. Directives.
Selection Process : Candidates will be selected based on written test & interview.
Exam Fee Details :Candidates need to pay Rs. 500/- for Posts 1 to 3 and Rs. 300/- for remaining posts for GEN / OBC candidates, on the form of Demand Draft drawn in on any scheduled bank (preferably SBI) in favour of BEL Optronics Devices Limited, Pune.
How To Apply :Eligible candidates may send their applications through post/ courier, super scribing on the envelope for the post applied, in the downloadable application format with the check list of documents attached, affixing, recent passport size photograph along with Demand Draft (if applicable), self-attested copies of SSC, Intermediate, Graduation and Post Graduation certificates, Caste certificate, PWD certificate (if applicable), Certificate from previous employer regarding post qualification experience, and other relevant certificates ( in the same order) so as to reach Head- HR, BEL Optronic Devices Limited, EL-30, ’J’ Block, Bhosari Industrial Area, Pune- 411 026 on or before 15-01-2014.
Last Date To Apply : 15-01-2014
For Official Notification: Click Here
To Apply : Click Here